Sunday, February 21, 2010
When Ryan wakes up from his nap, he was so angry and start stractch his itchy skin so fiercely. I can't do anything to stop, tears welled up my eyes. He has never been this bad, the blister are big and watery.
I got Tony up from his nap to take our son to the ER. Despite the crying and begging, I have no other option, it's Sunday, I can't think of any better way to help my poor boy.
As soon as he enter the ER door, he is calm and quiet, this place is kinda familiar to us cuz we frequent ER quite a bit last September when I lost my unborn baby. The nurse saw him and feel bad for him. He was very good during the initial check, no crying or whatsoever. We were sent to a special waiting area due to the chicken-pop-like rashes may be contagious.
It's almost 4pm, I am now in this room with Ryan. The nurse gave him Benadryl to ease his itchiness. He is now playing with the Lego while waiting for on duty doctor to see him.
The doctor finally came at 6.30pm. After checking Ryan, he suggest to call the on duty pediatrcian to have an evaluation. We were told that if the pediatriacian not around they have to summon him to come in. So, that mean we are here waiting until someone show up, nothing we could do.
Finally, a female pwdiatrician came at 8pm. She examined Ryan. Unlike Ryan's pediatrician, I like her, she is very thorough, patient, and understandable. Above all, she listen, she gives you a chance to talk. Whereas Dr. Wong never listen and never give me a chance to talk! Pissed me off!
It's 8.50pm, I'm now sitting here waiting for the pharmacist to dispense Ryan's medicine. I'm tired and not feeling well all day, migraine and lost appetite. I guess restless nights have caused my immune system goes down. I will stay strong to help my baby get through this rough time.
May the Lord gain me strength and grace!
因着他的皮肤我们试了很多方法,却不见有很大的改善。看着他一直在捉痒却什么都做不道,我感到很恼怒,很难过。只有跪到主的跟前求主开恩施拯救。我信在人所不能的,在祂凡事都能。三岁的他每天都向主祷告,"Lord, give me a healthy skin. Please make my itchy go away!"
Saturday, February 13, 2010
On the day mom going back to Msia, I noticed her wallet was broken. So I try to get her a new wallet everytime I went shopping. When JoJo shopping gifts in Coach for her China friends, I saw a Coach zippy wallet, i was whishy-washy for awhile, not very impress with the pattern and size. Anyway I still bought it, thinking i can return it if we don't like it. Guess what before we even got home I already fell in love with it. I like it so much. That's how got me the idea of getting LV zippy wallet.
I'm not a fan of LV nor Coach but when come to selecting a wallet, I still prefer LV for it durability since I abuse my wallet. I had the LV Damier French wallet but I found it too small and not practical. This zippy one is just right since I carry a lot of garbage with me **hehe**
Here's some of my collection.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
刚刚在写这个部落格的时候有一个朋友忽然send了一個 message 说要教导Ryan一些中国文化。哎哟,好大的压力耶!Hey, Lawrence,我不敢奢望太大,只希望他能够操一口流利的华语,我就很开心了。当然,礼义廉耻不能不教,尤其是「礼」。
原本中文是我的强项,没想到竟然被嘲笑,嘲笑我的是来自中国北京,难怪啦,北京耶。虽然爷爷籍贯广西,我从小都不讲广东话,认识了tony才有开始讲,也难怪香港的朋友讥笑。唉~ ~ 可悲
我告诉你唷,老外反而称赞我的英语嘞,没有开玩笑的。不像其他那两个听了大家八只耳 (they've very strong accent)。其实我的英语蛮烂的,但我必须给我们这些来自大马的同胞credit,我们的background给我们学习语言的机会比他们来的要多。Malaysia Boleh!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
自从爸走了之后,宝宝就开始不对劲。爸走的笫一天早上,宝宝显得比平时cranky。那天下午放学回家,一入门就喊"公公, jo-san"(早安)
其实爸还没走的前几天,他一直对爸说:"公公不要走。" 或是说"宝宝不要你走。"