Hi, welcome to my blog! Here I'll be posting and blogging with what I've in mind and everything that my crazy fantasy will think off. Enjoy!
自从爸走了之后,宝宝就开始不对劲。爸走的笫一天早上,宝宝显得比平时cranky。那天下午放学回家,一入门就喊"公公, jo-san"(早安) 我remind他公公走了。他说:"宝宝要公公。" 连续两天放学一进门就喊公公。有时他还说要公公回来。 其实爸还没走的前几天,他一直对爸说:"公公不要走。" 或是说"宝宝不要你走。" 所以老爸回Kuching后,宝宝不开心但他不会表达。最明显的是他老跟着我,好像变得很胆小。常常算人数,因为家里少了两个人嘛。 希望他快点好起来!
Ryan bao bao, Yee ling yi yi give you bao bao.
sigh sigh...i guess he feels lonely leh. Sometimes we need other people in our life besides from our parents leh.
ya, he is lonely and kinda lost, he likes to be surrounded with people...
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Ryan bao bao, Yee ling yi yi give you bao bao.
sigh sigh...i guess he feels lonely leh. Sometimes we need other people in our life besides from our parents leh.
ya, he is lonely and kinda lost, he likes to be surrounded with people...
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