Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunny and breezy Monday morning, instead of sitting in the stuffy cubicle, I have a site meeting with the Gemorphologist. When I enter into my office I saw my phone's light was on, it must be my supervisor. As I unload my stuff (jacket, purse, lunch bag, snacks), I played the voicemail and checked my email. I got an email from him as well sent before 8 this morning. And I saw a missed call on my cellphone (holy smoke, three way attacks). The message was to ask me if I'm comfortable to meet JP on my own? Let him knows if I'm comfortable to meet JP by myself.
For crying out loud, can I say NO???? Can I say, "I'm not comfortable to meet this guy alone" and won't get my PMP affected?!?!?!
I know if it's BC, I can tell him right on his face, 'NOPE, I WILL NOT SEE THIS GUY ON MY OWN, BECAUSE I DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE.' Unfortunately, my supervisor is no longer BC, it's someone who will stab you from behind anytime. He is a wimp and ASS-kisser/licker.
Honestly, I really don't feel comfortable of meeting this guy alone. Plus i think this meeting is so unnecessary in the first place, it was him who said we should join in and now he dump me. This consultant guy gave me a very weird impression when we were out there last week. But we need his expertise opinion on the creek issue.
The meeting was scheduled for 9.30am at the creek. I was waited and waited, he didn't show up. In my heart, I was like, oh, please don't show up. 15 minutes past, still didn't see JP. So I called my supervisor, as I still talking to him, JP walking down the pathway (shoot!).
I pointed out all the problematic areas, and he gave his professional recommendation. Despite his weirdness, this meeting actually turned out to be an educational experience.
I was standing here by the creek, like a greeter, saying 'hi' and 'good morning' to the old folks, mom with stroller, jogger who take morning walk.
sis, merry surprise comes when we least expecting it to be right? I always judge people from the first time I know them but sometimes they turn out to be not as bad as how I thought:)
have a great day k!:) I will be leaving to US very soon. Next week:( kinda sad...
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