Saturday, December 26, 2009

iPhone madness

I'd like to blog about, more like brag about my new gadget - iPhone.

Personally, I'm not a high tech girl. Cell phone to me is simply a communication tool. To others, cell phone can be a symbol of status not just an article of necessity. Especially in the far east countries, cell phone technologies are far more advance. Most of the time, it has become something that people show off with, often trying to impress their friends and more importantly strangers. People are deliberately select a phone that reflects on them. It's more like a fashion accessory.

None of the cell phones I owned were cool. But I would say, this one is an exception, the reason being that I will never spend hundreds or thousand of dollar on a cell phone. And I never understand why people without much money willing to spend hundreds or even thousand to buy a coolest phone. I guess a cool phone means prominence, money and a high regard of style

Not many of my friends have iPhone, most of them have Blackberry. For some reason, I don't like Blackberry. I hate the name, don't understand why it called Blackberry.

Recently, I learned that one can have iPhone without data plan. What a discovery! I never knew one can have 3G phone without data plan. WOW, I was thrilled! I can keep my voice plan which is only 18 bucks a month, no one can beat this price. I told Tony about it and ask him to get me one for Christmas. After a few failed attempts with Rogers, I thought I never get it unless I pay the full retail price which I'm very reluctant to do so.

One Sunday afternoon, we were shopping at Markville Mall, Tony says he's going to try the phone booth guy. I'm not very positive. To my delight, they can do it! Hooray!!!

Here's my iphone, not just a phone, but also my computer, camera, camcorder, palm, iPod, all in one!


jordanio said...

arrhhhh ....... Iphone!!! im lovin it ...

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